arbitrage pricing theory中文什么意思

发音:   用"arbitrage pricing theory"造句
  • arbitrage:    n. 1.〔古语〕裁判;仲裁。 2. ...
  • price:    n. 1.价格,价钱;市价;代价;费 ...
  • theory:    n. 1.理论,学理,原理。 2.学 ...
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  1. Arbitrage pricing theory
  2. 24of course , the market portfolio may turn out to be one of the factors , but that is not a necessary implication of arbitrage pricing theory
  3. Like the capital asset pricing model , arbitrage pricing theory stresses that expected return depends on the risk stemming from economywide influences and is not affected by unique risk
  4. Then sharpe , linter , mossion and ross , etc . developed markowitz ' s mean - variance model , leaded to standard investment models like capital asset pricing model ( capm ) , single - index model and arbitrage pricing theory ( apt )
    后经sharpe , litner , mossion和ross等人发扬光大,提出了capm , apt等标准投资模型,完成了资本资产定价的问题。
  5. Arbitrage pricing theory doesn ' t tell us what the underlying factors are ? unlike the capital asset pricing model , which collapses all macroeconomic risks into a well - defined single factor , the return on the market portfolio


In finance, arbitrage pricing theory (APT) is a general theory of asset pricing that holds that the expected return of a financial asset can be modeled as a linear function of various macro-economic factors or theoretical market indices, where sensitivity to changes in each factor is represented by a factor-specific beta coefficient. The model-derived rate of return will then be used to price the asset correctly - the asset price should equal the expected end of period price discounted at the rate implied by the model.


  1. arbitrage of stock and shares 什么意思
  2. arbitrage of stocks 什么意思
  3. arbitrage of stocks and shares 什么意思
  4. arbitrage opportunity 什么意思
  5. arbitrage point 什么意思
  6. arbitrage pricing theory (apt) 什么意思
  7. arbitrage rate 什么意思
  8. arbitrage risks 什么意思
  9. arbitrage stock 什么意思
  10. arbitrage transaction 什么意思



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